Laroy Bertram DAVIS
b: 28 APR 1882
d: 9 NOV 1958
Roy (Laroy) Davis paid for Lyman's Funeral
Elaine Davis Palmer paid for Roy's Funeral

Lyman and Roy lived with Daisy at the Farm House
Lyman then lived at the McKean County Home
Roy then live with Dury and Irene Weimer
  • 28 APR 1882 - Birth - ; Keating Summit, PA
  • 9 NOV 1958 - Death -
William Beckman DAVIS
18 MAR 1850 - 13 MAY 1922
Charles L DAVIS
AUG 1853 - 1918
Laroy Bertram DAVIS
28 APR 1882 - 9 NOV 1958
Marietta Amelia STARK
FEB 1852 - 30 APR 1925
Family Group Sheet - Child
BirthAUG 1853Pennsylvania, USA
Death1918 Keating Twp, McKean Co, PA
Marriage1873to Marietta Amelia STARK
FatherWilliam Beckman DAVIS
MotherMary Ann CLARK
PARENT (F) Marietta Amelia STARK
BirthFEB 1852Pennsylvania, United States
Death30 APR 1925 Keating, McKean, Pennsylvania, USA
Marriage1873to Charles L DAVIS
FatherLyman STARK
MotherMary ALDRICH
MLaroy Bertram DAVIS
Birth28 APR 1882Keating Summit, PA
Death9 NOV 1958
MarriageABT 1910to Laura Amelia PELTON
MarriageAFT 1935to Ruth CHASE
MGarnet Etola DAVIS
BirthABT 1877
DeathABT 1917
Marriageto David T CLYNE
MDurward DAVIS
Birth29 AUG 1873
Marriageto Getrude ()
Marriageto Susan May PIERCE
Death1901At age 26
Marriageto Rufus REYNOLDS
FCharlotte Daisy DAVIS
Birth2 AUG 1880Keating Summit, PA
Death29 APR 1958Keating Twp, McKean Co, PA
Marriage25 MAY 1898to Michael Louis WEIMER at Llimestone, New York
MCharles Lyman DAVIS
Birth19 OCT 1885Keating Summit, PA
Death17 MAY 1954Farmers Valley, McKean Co, PA
Marriage1906to Vera May PELTON at Farmers Valley, McKean Co, PA
BirthABT 1879
Family Group Sheet - Spouse
PARENT (M) Laroy Bertram DAVIS
Birth28 APR 1882Keating Summit, PA
Death9 NOV 1958
MarriageABT 1910to Laura Amelia PELTON
MarriageAFT 1935to Ruth CHASE
FatherCharles L DAVIS
MotherMarietta Amelia STARK
PARENT (F) Laura Amelia PELTON
BirthABT 1892
Death29 JAN 1935 About Age 40 ?
MarriageABT 1910to Laroy Bertram DAVIS
FatherBenjamin PELTON
MotherSarah Emily AUSTIN
Birth5 JUN 1914
Death2 MAR 1989Smethport, PA
Marriage15 JUN 1933to Robert King PALMER
FMargaret Alida DAVIS
Birth9 JAN 1913Farmers Valley, PA
Death13 MAR 2012Bradford Ecumenical Home
Marriage16 JUN 1935to Clinton Merwin STONE at Church of the Ascension, Bradford, PA
Marriage15 JUL 1945to Wallace Franklin CREASY
Marriage9 MAY 1961to Edward Harold ROBISHAW at Cranston, RI
FMarguarite DAVIS
FJean Maxine DAVIS
Birth27 OCT 1919
Death1 JUL 2010Fort Collins, Larimer, Colorado, USA
Marriage10 NOV 1939to Max Spears LOY
Family Group Sheet - Spouse
PARENT (M) Laroy Bertram DAVIS
Birth28 APR 1882Keating Summit, PA
Death9 NOV 1958
MarriageABT 1910to Laura Amelia PELTON
MarriageAFT 1935to Ruth CHASE
FatherCharles L DAVIS
MotherMarietta Amelia STARK
Birth23 NOV
Death25 MAR 1995
MarriageAFT 1935to Laroy Bertram DAVIS
[S10]John Dorman Wallace Family Records
Descendancy Chart
Laroy Bertram DAVIS b: 28 APR 1882 d: 9 NOV 1958
Laura Amelia PELTON b: ABT 1892 d: 29 JAN 1935
Elaine DAVIS b: 5 JUN 1914 d: 2 MAR 1989
Robert King PALMER b: 4 NOV 1907 d: 9 SEP 1965
Margaret Alida DAVIS b: 9 JAN 1913 d: 13 MAR 2012
Clinton Merwin STONE b: 11 DEC 1909 d: 25 SEP 1976
Wallace Franklin CREASY b: 27 SEP 1906 d: 6 OCT 1976
Edward Harold ROBISHAW b: 5 MAR 1919 d: 9 SEP 2000
Marguarite DAVIS d: INFANT
Jean Maxine DAVIS b: 27 OCT 1919 d: 1 JUL 2010
Max Spears LOY b: 12 APR 1903 d: UNKNOWN
Ruth CHASE b: 23 NOV d: 25 MAR 1995