Family Group Sheet - Child
PARENT (M) Benjamin PELTON |
| Birth | 15 JUL 1861 | Farmers Valley, McKean Co, PA |
Death | ABT 1945 | |
Marriage | ABT 1888 | to Sarah Emily AUSTIN at Sylvania, PA |
Father | John A McDowell PELTON |
Mother | Julia A () |
PARENT (F) Sarah Emily AUSTIN |
| Birth | 27 NOV 1864 | Austin, Potter Co, PA |
Death | | |
Marriage | ABT 1888 | to Benjamin PELTON at Sylvania, PA |
Father | Edward Orrameal AUSTIN |
Mother | Amelia STEADMAN |
F | Laura Amelia PELTON |
| Birth | ABT 1892 | |
Death | 29 JAN 1935 | About Age 40 ? |
Marriage | ABT 1910 | to Laroy Bertram DAVIS |
M | Edward PELTON |
| Birth | | |
Death | | |
M | Lawrence PELTON |
| Birth | | |
Death | | |
F | Vera May PELTON |
| Birth | 10 JAN 1889 | Sylvania, PA |
Death | 21 SEP 1942 | Bradford, McKean Co, PA |
Marriage | 1906 | to Charles Lyman DAVIS at Farmers Valley, McKean Co, PA |
F | Helen PELTON |
| Birth | | |
Death | | Age 56 ? |
Marriage | | to Carl HOUSLER |
F | Jessie PELTON |
| Birth | | |
Death | | |
Marriage | | to Al WASSMAN |
F | Viola PELTON |
| Birth | | |
Death | | Age 29 ? |
Marriage | | to Ralph YOUNG |
M | Living PELTON |
| Birth | | |
Death | | |
Marriage | | to Living CHURCH |