Spencer Barker RIDLEY
b: 29 AUG 1874
d: 4 NOV 1950
Bishop Nicholas Ridley, burnt at the stake at Oxford 16 Oct 1555 by England's Queen Bloody Mary is an ancestral Uncle.

Quoted below from "Marshall Descendants" by K Patricia King, 1997

Spencer Barker Ridley descends from a very long line of Bury St. Edmund's Ridleys. There is a Pedigree Chart of Ridley of Soham, Bury St. Edmunds, Ipswich, London and Purley, also of Reading, and of Australia and New Zealand which was compiled by Percy Edward Ridlev of "Abinqer", Burcott Rd., Purley, Surrey, in 1940; a photocopy of which was given this compiler by our Ridley cousin in Bury: Eric Spencer Ridley, Spencer & Mabel's son. There are two generations back before the earliest Ridley date, "living in 1280". Its preamble states:
"The first nine generations of this pedigree have been taken from the History of the Ancient Ryedales written by G.T.Ridlon, Published in Manchester H.B., U.S.A. 1884 and the names from his book distinguished by the letter D. From about 1450 to about 1800 the particulars have been taken from the genealogical tree compiled by William Ridley Richardson M.A. of Ravenfell, Bromley, Kent in 1904 of which a copy is deposited in the Colleqe of Heralds, London. There is every reason to believe that the information he gives (and of which the particulars specified hereunder are only an extract) is reliable. ..(etc.) ..Bryon Ridley of Ridley Hall, Ridley (near Hantwick), Cheshire, is the first known ancestor, 1157.

[Although a complicated chart, each name is numbered which makes it easier to work one's way through. -KPK]

The Ridley ancestry for this family descends, after 9 generations, through John Ridley of Willimoteswick (and his wife, Margaret, daughter of Richard Horton) -whose next-younger brother Christopher Ridley of Unthank Ball near Willimoteswick was the father of 5 children, the youngest of whom was Nicholas Ridley D.D., Presented to the vicarage of Soham, Cambridgeshire, in 1547, who became Bishop of London; was martyred 16 Oct. 1555 at Oxford [along with Latimer whose famous exhortation lives on: "Be of Good Cheer Master Ridley. With God's good grace we shall this day light such a candle as will never go out."]. They were burned at the stake under Bloody Mary Tudor's reign. A Cleric of those times, he was without issue. "The first Viscount Ridley (1900) is believed to descend from Hugh Ridley of Unthank Hall, Christopher's eldest child." Above-brothers John and Christopher Ridley are 2 of 6 sons of sir Nicholas Ridley of Willimoteswick, Esquire of the King's Body and Mary, daughter of Curwen of Workington, Cumberland, said to be a descendant of the Anglo-saxon King Aethelred ["the Unready": 968-1016]. No dates on Sir Nicholas, John or Christopher but Sir Nicholas's father (also Nicholas) was "deceased before 1467" which makes Sir Nicholas born before that date. John & Christopher Ridley's elder brother, also sir Nicholas, was High Sheriff of Northumberland & took part in the Scots War (1513).

Anyone wanting further Ridley records should readily find them.
  • 29 AUG 1874 - Birth - ; Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England
  • 4 NOV 1950 - Death - ; Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England
1835 - 1882
Spencer Barker RIDLEY
29 AUG 1874 - 4 NOV 1950
Family Group Sheet - Child
Marriageto Caroline Rachel BARKER
FatherUnknown RIDLEY
PARENT (F) Caroline Rachel BARKER
Marriageto Arthur RIDLEY
MSpencer Barker RIDLEY
Birth29 AUG 1874Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England
Death4 NOV 1950Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England
Marriage17 MAY 1910to Mabel Catherine KING at Congregational Independent Church, Bury St Edmunds
FCaroline RIDLEY
Marriage1906to Edward R HOOPER
Family Group Sheet - Spouse
PARENT (M) Spencer Barker RIDLEY
Birth29 AUG 1874Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England
Death4 NOV 1950 Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England
Marriage17 MAY 1910to Mabel Catherine KING at Congregational Independent Church, Bury St Edmunds
FatherArthur RIDLEY
MotherCaroline Rachel BARKER
PARENT (F) Mabel Catherine KING
Birth21 JAN 1885Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk
Death20 APR 1951 Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England
Marriage17 MAY 1910to Spencer Barker RIDLEY at Congregational Independent Church, Bury St Edmunds
FatherWalter George KING
MotherCatherine Last PATTLE
Marriageto Living WORN
Descendancy Chart
Spencer Barker RIDLEY b: 29 AUG 1874 d: 4 NOV 1950
Mabel Catherine KING b: 21 JAN 1885 d: 20 APR 1951
Infant RIDLEY b: 17 SEP 1960 d: 17 SEP 1960