Melville Sirrrilus THOMPSON
b: 11 MAR 1839
M.S. THOMPSON - On Monday morning at a few minutes after midnight, occurred the death of Mr. M. S. Thompson at his residence on the corner of East and Fifth Streets at the age of 72 years. Some four years ago he suffered a severe attack of stomach trouble from which he so far recovered as to be able to attend to his store business and also, his duties as a railroad official. But his health gradually declined until ten weeks ago he was taken suddenly with a stroke, from which he did not rally.
Funeral held from the residence at 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Bearers: John M. Clark, Wm. A. Shear, M. S. Harvey, Milton J. Potter, E. J. Stocking and Dr. R. B. Knight.
Melville Sirrilus Thompson was born at Norwich, Chenango County, NY, March 11, 1839, where he spent the first 20 years of his life in the acquirement of an education at home and in the common schools of the village. In 1859 he came to Coudersport and worked for his brother, Z. J. Thompson as a wheelwright for three years. Then he entered the employ of P. A. Stebbins and Son in the Mercantile Business until the fall of 1866, when he became associated with the late Dr. Ellison in the Drug business, at which time possessed a cash capital of $100. The firm name was Ellison and Thompson until 1868 when the late John S. Mann acquired Dr. Ellison's interest and the name was changed to Thompson and Mann and again in 1879 to Thompson and Co., which name has became famous all over this section and still exists.
Mr. Thompson was appointed Postmaster in 1869 by President Ulysses S. Grant. He held the office continuously for 18 years.
On Sept. 30, 1868 he married Miss Cora E. Mann, daughter of the late John S. and Mary W. Mann of this Boro. She died Nov. 8, 1899 and to her memory has been erected the beautiful marble drinking fountain on the corner of Main and Third Streets. To them no children were born, but they adopted two girls, daughters of his sister, Mrs. Freeman, who died in Kansas leaving a family of small children. They both survive and are married. Marcia, the elder, being the wife of W. A. Stevens and Marion, the wife of Louis Stocum of Coudersport.

Obituary files copied from a book at the Potter County, PA Historical Society with their permission.
  • 11 MAR 1839 - Birth - ; Norwich, Chenango Co., NY
  • UNKNOWN - Death - ; Coudersport, Potter, Co., PA
Melville Sirrrilus THOMPSON
11 MAR 1839 - UNKNOWN
Family Group Sheet - Child
Marriageto Jane HENRY
Marriageto Henry THOMPSON
MMelville Sirrrilus THOMPSON
Birth11 MAR 1839Norwich, Chenango Co., NY
DeathUNKNOWNCoudersport, Potter, Co., PA
Marriage1868to Cora Eloise MANN
Marriageto Unknown FREEMAN
Family Group Sheet - Spouse
PARENT (M) Melville Sirrrilus THOMPSON
Birth11 MAR 1839Norwich, Chenango Co., NY
DeathUNKNOWN Coudersport, Potter, Co., PA
Marriage1868to Cora Eloise MANN
FatherHenry THOMPSON
MotherJane HENRY
PARENT (F) Cora Eloise MANN
Birth21 FEB 1847Coudersport, Potter, Co., PA
Death8 NOV 1899 Coudersport, Potter, Co., PA
Marriage1868to Melville Sirrrilus THOMPSON
FatherJohn Smith MANN
MotherMary Williams KING
BirthABT 1870
Marriage12 JAN 1899to William A STEVENS
BirthABT 1870
Marriage27 SEP 1900to Louis Godfrey STOCUM at Coudersport, Potter Co., PA
Descendancy Chart
Melville Sirrrilus THOMPSON b: 11 MAR 1839 d: UNKNOWN
Cora Eloise MANN b: 21 FEB 1847 d: 8 NOV 1899
Marcia THOMPSON b: ABT 1870 d: 1935
Cora Louise STEVENS b: ABT 1900
Marion THOMPSON b: ABT 1870
Louis Godfrey STOCUM b: 8 MAY 1878 d: 22 DEC 1963
Mary STOCUM b: 19 MAR 1902 d: 30 JAN 1963
Howard BRITTON b: 9 AUG 1895 d: 13 MAR 1970
Louis Howard BRITTON b: 20 MAR 1922 d: 21 MAR 2006
Joyce TOW b: 16 JAN 1926 d: 1 MAR 1990
Joyce Jenice BRITTON b: 22 SEP 1941 d: 11 MAY 1998