Willett Sheridan PALMER
b: 8 OCT 1873
d: 3 JAN 1931

1892 Census Record


Fireman on the Pennsylvania Railroad

McKean County Democtrat
January 8,1931, Thursday
Willett Sheridan Palmer Obituary

Text of the obituary follows:

Death Summons W. S. Palmer

Smethport residents were shocked by news of the death of Willett S. Palmer, which occurred at his home on Main street Saturday night at 8:00 o'clock, following a sudden stroke.

Mr. Palmer had been in failing health for two years past buth had remained up and about to the time he was stricken with the fatal attack.

The prominent local man was born in Friendship, N. Y., October 8, 1873. His education was received in the Friendship schools.

When a young man he came to Smethport, and in partnership with E. W. Strong, engaged in teh plumbing contracting business. Later he retired from that successfull business and accepted a position as a commercial representative for a firm dealing in plumbing supplies - a pursuit the followed until poor healt forced his retirement.

Mr. Palmer was united in amrriage to Miss Orra King of Smethport on April 21, 1903. Besides his wife he is survived by one daugheter, Miss Pauline Palmer, and on son, robert Palmer.

He was a member of St. Luke's Episcopal Church and aslo belonged to the various Masonic orders and the Temple Club.

The deceased gentleman, despited a serious railroad accident years ago in which he suffered the loss of part of one leg, met life's labors with great fortitude and courage. He possessed a wide circle of friends who were saddened by news of his passing.

the funeral was held at the family residence Monday afternoon at 4:00 o'clock, under Masonic direction. The Rev. W. E. Van Dyke, rector of St. Lunke's Church, officiated. Interment was made in the family plot in Rose Hilll cemetery.


Willett S. Palmer Called by Death
Willett S. Palmer, highly respected resident of West Main Street passed away
Saturday evening, January third at 8 o’clock at his home, following a stroke
sustained the night previous. When his daughter, Pauline went to call him
Saturday morning she found him in a state of unconsciousness from which he
never recovered. Mr. Palmer had been in poor health for the past three years,
medical assistance proving of no avail and his death came as a welcome release
from much suffering.
The deceased was born in Friendship N.Y., October 8, 1873 and was the son of
James and Helen Palmer. He came to Smethport when a young man (section
He was married April 21, 1903 to Orra King and they have always made their
home here.
Mr. Palmer was a member of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, the Masonic lodge
and Temple Club. He was a ???? kindly man, a good husband and father and a
loyal friend. He will be greatly missed by a large circle of friends who knew
and loved him.
He is survived by his widow Orra King Palmer, one daughter, Pauline and one
son Robert.
Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 4 o’clock at the family
residence Rev. W.E. Van Dyke officiating. The Masonic fraternity having
charge of the interment services at Rose Hill Cemetery.
  • 8 OCT 1873 - Birth - ; Friendship, Allegany Co, NY
  • 3 JAN 1931 - Death - ; Smethport, McKean Co., PA
Willett PALMER
2 MAY 1806 - 2 DEC 1892
James Edgar PALMER
8 JUN 1841 - 16 FEB 1915
16 APR 1815 - 27 JAN 1856
Willett Sheridan PALMER
8 OCT 1873 - 3 JAN 1931
18 NOV 1851 - 24 MAY 1923
17 SEP 1814 - 6 MAY 1902
Family Group Sheet - Child
Birth8 JUN 1841Wirt, Allegany Co., NY
Death16 FEB 1915 National Soldiers Home, VA
Marriageto Nellie STRONG
Marriageto Helen STRONG
FatherWillett PALMER
MotherMercy BABCOCK
Birth18 NOV 1851Friendship, Allegany Co, NY
Death24 MAY 1923
Marriageto James Edgar PALMER
FatherElijha P STRONG
MotherLaura DUNFRY
MWillett Sheridan PALMER
Birth8 OCT 1873Friendship, Allegany Co, NY
Death3 JAN 1931Smethport, McKean Co., PA
Marriage21 APR 1903to Orra Hamlin KING at St Luke''s Church, Smethport, PA
Family Group Sheet - Spouse
PARENT (M) Willett Sheridan PALMER
Birth8 OCT 1873Friendship, Allegany Co, NY
Death3 JAN 1931 Smethport, McKean Co., PA
Marriage21 APR 1903to Orra Hamlin KING at St Luke''s Church, Smethport, PA
FatherJames Edgar PALMER
MotherNellie STRONG
PARENT (F) Orra Hamlin KING
Birth3 OCT 1875Smethport, McKean Co., PA
Death4 JUL 1959 Smethport, McKean Co., PA
Marriage21 APR 1903to Willett Sheridan PALMER at St Luke''s Church, Smethport, PA
FatherRobert KING
MotherPauline Elizabeth HAMLIN
MRobert King PALMER
Birth4 NOV 1907Smethport, McKean Co, PA
Death9 SEP 1965Shinglehouse, PA
Marriage15 JUN 1933to Elaine DAVIS
FHarriet Pauline PALMER
Birth17 MAR 1912Smethport, McKean Co., PA
DeathABT 1987
Marriage22 SEP 1934to Robert Merville DUNN at King home, Smethport, PA
[S37]Walter Palmer Society
Descendancy Chart